21st Century Voice Lessons
for Contemporary Singers

Intro To Songwriting
Fall/Winter 2020/21
Singers usually approach contemporary songwriting from the "lyrics and melody first" perspective. How do you approach song structure? What makes a set of lyrics good? What considerations should you make for creating a catchy melody?
This 7-week course will introduce you to the basics of songwriting such as:
song structure
how to transform stories, feelings, and experiences into lyrics
guidelines for writing lyrics and melody for verses, choruses and bridges
types of rhyming schemes and tools
using natural speech as a source for melodic ideas
contrasting song sections both melodically and lyrically
creating a catchy chorus (the "hook")
building an emotional arc to each song

Professional lyricist Catherine Warner will be Rocío's co-instructor for this course. She is a songwriter, lyricist, singer and cellist whose lyrics have appeared on albums selling over one million copies. Her album Loss and Found was released in 2020.
The course includes 5 group sessions and 2 on-on-one feedback sessions with the instructors. Class size is limited to 6 participants.
Note: A follow-up course addressing how to add chord structure to a melody will be held in the future.